
YOUNGIOMYCES Y.J. Yao, 1995 (in Y.J. Yao, Pegler & T.W.K. Young, Kew Bull. 50: 350); 4 species (Yao et al., 1995, 1996 — KEY and ILLUS.).

Reproduction only by zygospores formed in sporocarps. Zygospores more or less smooth-walled, containing a single zygospore. Suspensors apposed, 2(-4) suspensors formed, more or less equal, with a single septum, not in contact along the entire length, evanescent. Ectomycorrhizal but some may be saprobes

Type species: Y. carolinensis

Species of Youngiomyces:
Y. aggregatus Y.-J. Yao, 1995 (in Yao, Pegler and Young, Kew Bull. 50:355).
Y. carolinensis Y.-J. Yao, 1995 (in Yao, Pegler and Young, Kew Bull. 50:351).
Y. multiplex (Thaxter) Y.-J. Yao, 1995 (in Yao, Pegler and Young, Kew Bull. 50:356).
Y. stratosus (Trappe, Gerdemann & Fogel) Y.-J. Yao, 1995 (in Yao, Pegler and Young, Kew Bull. 50:356).

Youngiomyces has been separated from Endogone because of the formation of 2, or sometimes 3 or 4, discrete suspensors (Yao et al., 1995). All four species of Youngiomyces are illustrated by Yao et al. (1996). Thaxter (1922), and Grand and Randall (1981), illustrated Y. multiplex, as Endogone multiplex.


Grand, L.F., and B.L. Randall. 1981. Endogone pisiformis and E. multiplex in North Carolina. Mycologia 73:1092-1097.

Thaxter, R. 1922. A revsion of the Endogoneae. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 57:291-351

Yao, Y.-J., D.N. Pegler, and T.W.K. Young. 1995. Youngiomyces, a new genus in Endogonales (Zygomycotina). Kew Bull. 50:349-357.

Yao, Y.-J., D.N. Pegler, and T.W.K. Young. 1996. Genera of Endogonales. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. 229 p.

Updated Mar 02, 2007