The Mucorales, or its vernacular equivalent, began as a modest order of four families (van Tieghem, 1878) and gradually the number of families has increased as new taxa have been described. This is understandable since the only other zygomycete order recognized at that time, is the Entomophthorales (Schröter, 1893; see also Fitzpatrick, 1930), a group in which many of these fungi was not likely to fit. Bessey (1950) proposed the Zoopagales for the Zoopagaceae Drechsler ex Drechsler (1938), and two families now placed in the Trichomycetes (Lichtwardt, 1973, 1986), Harpellaceae Léger & Duboscq and Legeriomycetaceae Pouzar (as Genestellaceae Léger & Gauthier), although the latter family was not included in any classification of the Mucorales during the 1940’s. Hesseltine (1955) was the first to provide a broad treatment of the Mucorales after World War II; he included nine families: Choanephoraceae, Cunninghamellaceae, Endogonaceae, Kickxellaceae, Mortierellaceae, Mucoraceae, Pilobolaceae, Piptocephalidaceae and Thamnidiaceae.
In the next 14 years several additional families were proposed, validated, or emended, including the Cunninghamellaceae, Syncephalastraceae, Piptocephalidaceae, Dimargaritaceae, Kickxellaceae (Linder, 1943; Benjamin, 1959), Helicocephalidaceae (Boedijn, 1958), and Radiomycetaceae and Saksenaeaceae (Ellis and Hesseltine, 1974). These families (Benjamin, 1959; Boedijn, 1958; Ellis and Hesseltine, 1974) were all included in the synopsis of the families of the Mucorales (Hesseltine and Ellis, 1973) in “The Fungi Vol. 4B (Ainsworth, Sparrow, and Sussman, 1973). Three orders of the Zygomycetes were recognized in “The Fungi Vol. 4b” (Ainsworth et al., 1973): Mucorales (Hesseltine and Ellis, 1973), Zoopagales (Duddington, 1973), and Entomophthorales (Waterhouse, 1973). Benjamin (1979) discussed all of the known orders and families of the Zygomycetes, he created one order (Dimargaritales) and validated three others (Endogonales, Zoopagales, Kickxellales).
Benjamin (1979) moved several of the families from the Mucorales to other orders: Helicocephalidaceae, Piptocephalidaceae (Zoopagales), Endogonaceae (Endogonales), Dimargaritaceae (Dimargaritales), Kickxellaceae (Kickxellales). The Mucorales sensu Benjamin included nine families again: Choanephoraceae, Cunninghamellaceae, Mortierellaceae, Mucoraceae, Pilobolaceae, Radiomycetaceae, Saksenaeaceae, Syncephalastraceae, and Thamnidiaceae. Several additional families subsequently have been described: Dicranophoraceae (Mirza et al., 1979), Absidiaceae, Phycomycetaceae (von Arx, 1982), Mycotyphaceae (Benny et al., 1985), Gilbertellaceae (Benny, 1991), Sigmoideomycetaceae (Benny et al. 1992), and Umbelopsidaceae (Meyer and Gams, 2003). A synopsis of the above families, and the genera included in them at that time, is presented by Benny et al. (1992). A previous version of this website included only two families, Mucoraceae and Umbelopsidaceae, in the Mucorales [( -30 July 2009]. Additional phylogenetic analyses (Tanabe et al., 2000; Voigt and Olsson, 2008; Voigt et al., 2009) have shown that several of the above families need to recognized again or that they should be transferred to another order.
Phylogenetic analyses that included a member of Sigmoideomycetaceae and several taxa of Mortierellaceae resulted in the transfer of these taxa to either the Mortierellales (Mortierellaceae-O’Donnell et al., 2001) or Zoopagales (Sigmoideomycetaceae-Tanabe et al., 2000). The results of phylogenetic analysis of multigene data sets by Voigt and Olsson (2008-50 genera) and Voigt et al. (2009-27 genera) indicate that several mucoralean families need to be recognized again, including: Absidiaceae, Chaetocladiaceae, Choanephoraceae, Cunninghamellaceae, Dicranophoraceae, Mucoraceae, Mycotyphaceae, Phycomycetaceae, Pilobolaceae, Radiomycetaceae, Saksenaeaceae, Syncephalastraceae, and Umbelopsidaceae. Two families, Gilbertellaceae and Thamnidiaceae, are not in this list because the type genus of each is included in another family based on phylogenetic analysis: Gilbertella in Choanephoraceae and Thamnidium in Mucoraceae (Voigt and Olsson, 2008). These families can be distinguished using the key below. Genera that cannot be accommodated phylogenetically in the currently recognized families of the Mucorales are listed in the “Synopsis of Genera with Unknown Affinities” (below).
MUCORALES Schröter, 1893 [In Engler and Prantl, Die natürl. Pflanzenfam. 1(1): 119].
Saprobes, or rarely gall-forming mycoparasites, which can usually grow on ordinary culture media in the laboratory. Mycelium extensive, branched, coenocytic when young, sometimes septate in age. Asexual reproduction by columellate or acolumellate sporangia, sporangiola, or merosporangia, or rarely by chlamydospores, arthrospores, or blastospores. Sporangiospores one-celled, hyaline, colorless or pigmented, smooth or roughened. Sexual reproduction by zygospores formed on opposed or apposed suspensors.
Type family: Mucoraceae Dumortier
Key to Families of the Mucorales
A. Colonies restricted, reddish to ochraceous in color, low growing —— Umbelopsidaceae
AA. Colonies filling the petri dish or, if restricted and low growing, not reddish or orchraceous —— B
B. Sporangiospores formed in a merosporangium —— Syncephalastraceae
BB. Sporangiospores produced in multispored sporangia and/or multi- or unispored sporangiola —— C
C. Sporangiospores usually broadly ellipsoid or broadly fusiform; several thin, hyaline appendages arise from the spore apices; spore wall smooth or adorned with longitudinal strations, hyaline or pigmented; sporangium with a dark, persistent wall bearing a latitudinal line weakness allowing it break into two (sometimes more) more less equal or smaller intact parts; sporangiola formed by some taxa —— Choanephoraceae
CC. Spores and sporangial wall not as above —— D
D. Only sporangiola produced —— E
DD. Sporangia produced by all taxa, some species also may form sporangiola——H
E. Fertile heads composed of globose or cylindrical fertile heads produced on fertile vesicles borne on a uniseptate stalk arising from a stalked apical vesicle; stolons and rhizoids produced; sporangiola with capitate ornaments, uni- or multispored; zygospores with a smooth, hyaline wall, suspensors opposed, adorned with branched appendages; homothallic —— Radiomycetaceae
EE. Fertile heads composed of fertile vesicles formed on the aerial fertile hyphae; stolons and rhizoids may or may not be produced; sporangiola smooth or spinose, unispored; zygospores and suspensors, if produced, not as above; homo- or heterothallic —— F
F. Fertile vesicles cylindrical; sporangiola dimorphic; yeast cells readily produced on nutrient-rich culture media —— Mycotyphaceae
FF. Fertile vesicles more or less globose or hemisphaerical; sporangiola monomorphic; yeast cells not produced as above —— G
G. Sterile spines produced; fertile vesicles produced medially and submedially; branching verticellate; a gall-forming, facultative parasite in nature, grows readily in the laboratory on ordinary fungal culture media; psychrotolerant —— Chaetocladiaceae
GG. Sterile spines not produced; fertile vesicles formed terminally on the main sporangiophore or its branches; saprobic; mesophilic —— Cunninghamellaceae
H. Trophocysts produced in the subaerial hyphae at or below the surface of the substrate, giving rise to simple, rarely branched, sporangiophores; conspicuous subsporangial vesicles formed; sporangial wall cutinized, usually dark; spore discharge by forcible discharge of the entire sporangium or breaking the subsporangial vesicle wall and subsequent breaking of the sporangial wall upon contact with a solid surface —— Pilobolaceae
HH. Trophocysts not formed; sporangiophores simple or branched; subsporangial vesicles not produced; sporangial wall not cutinized, may or may not be pigmented; spore discharge because of a deliquescing or evanescing sporangial wall or through a pore in the neck of a flask-shaped sporangium —— I
I. Stolons and rhizoids produced; apophysis formed; sporangia obovoid, obpirform or flask- or dumbbell-shaped —— J
II. Stolons and rhizoids not produced; nonapophysate; sporangia usually more or less globose —— K
J. Sporangia flasked-shaped or obpiriform; formed on a short, aseptate sporangiophore arising opposite a rhizoid; sporulation poor in culture on ordinary culture media; primarily isolated from patients with mucormycoses, rarely reported from soil or other organic substrates —— Saksenaeaceae
JJ. Sporangia obovoid or dumbbell-shaped; sporangiophores relatively short, uniseptate, formed on a stolon, not arising opposite a rhizoid; sporulates on most ordinary laboratory media; isolated from soil, dung, and other organic substrates, may cause mucormycosis —— J’
J’ Fungi not growing above 37 C, mesophilic; zygospore suspensors adorned with appendages —— Absidiaceae
JJ’ Fungi growing above 37 C, thermotolerant; suspensors lacking appendages —— Lichtheimiaceae
K. Sporangiophores simple, dark, often with a metallic sheen, 1-15 cm long; sporangia large —— Phycomycetaceae
KK. Sporangiophores usually branched, often less than 1 cm long; sporangia relatively small —— L
L. Suspensors strongly heterogamous, homothallic; saprobic and common in many soils or a rare mushroom parasite —— Dicranophoraceae
LL. Suspensors more or less equal when homothallic or zygospores not produced and presumably heterothallic; saprobic, found in dung, soil, or another organic substrate —— Mucoraceae
The above families contain these genera: Absidia, Apophysomyces, Blakeslea, Chaetocladium, Chlamydoabsidia, Choanephora, Cunninghamella, Dicanophora, Gilbertella, Halteromyces, Helicostylum, Lichtheimia, Mucor, Mycocladus, Mycotypha, Phycomyces, Pilaira, Pilobolus, Pirella, Poitrasia, Radiomyces, Saksenaea, Spinellus, Syncephalastrum, Thamnidium, Umbelopsis, Utharomyces and Zygorhynchus.
NOTE: If the mucoralean genus cannot be placed in any of the above families try the following key:
Key to Genera of the Mucorales with Unknown Affinities
A. Sporangia produced on the main sporangiophore or its branches —— B
AA. Sporangiola produced, sporangia not formed —— C
B. Only sporangia produced, sporangiola not formed —— I
BB. Sporangia and sporangiola produced —— X
C. Sporangiola uni- or multispored; borne on relatively long, twisted and contorted pedicels that arise from a terminal vesicle on a sporangiophore that is usually simple; stolons and rhizoids not formed; yeast cells produced in the agar when these fungi are grown on nutrient-rich culture media —— D
CC. Not as above —— E
D. Sporangiola more or less globose, multispored, columella readily visible —— Cokeromyces
DD. Sporangiola obovoid, multi- or unispored, columella not formed —— Benjaminiella
E. Sporangiola multispored —— F
EE. Sporangiola unispored —— H
F. Sporangiophores bearing several fertile vesicles laterally and subterminaly, each producing several uniseptate stalks terminating in a fertile vesicle producing a single, pedicellate, multispored sporangiolum; sporangiolum covered with long spines with a discoid, hexagonal base —— Hesseltinella
FF. Fungi not as above —— G
G. Sporangiola borne on relatively long, straight to curved pedicels that arise from large, irregular or branched fertile vesicles; stolons formed —— Zychaea
GG. Sporangiola borne on short, straight, pedicels that arise from a hyphoid, fertile vesicle borne at the apex of branched sporangiophores —— Ellisomyces
H. Fertile heads composed of hyphae that is initially dichotomously branched but soon becomes cymose with the outer branch terminating in a sterile spine and the inner part continuing to grow and finally terminating in a pair of relatively small fertile vesicles; sporangiola formed on short pedicles; walls of the spore and sporangiolum not readily separable —— Dichotomocladium
HH. Fertile heads composed of stalked, globose or sessile, hemisphaerical fertile vesicles formed laterally from, with one terminating, a simple or branched sporangiophore; sporangiola formed on long pedicels; walls of the spore and sporangiolum readily separable —— Phascolomyces
I. Thermophilic; stolons and rhizoids produced —— J
II. Mesophilic; stolons and rhizoids may or may not be formed —— K
J. Sporangia globose; apophysate; homothallic; zygosporangial wall thin, smooth, transparent —— Thermomucor
JJ. Sporangia globose; nonapophysate; homo- or heterothallic; zygosporangial wall thicker, ormanented, translucent —— Rhizomucor (in part)
K. Apophysis not produced —— L
KK. Apophysis formed —— R
L. Stolons and rhizoids not produced; sporangiophores arising directly from the substrate —— M
LL. Stolons and rhizoids produced; sporangiophores not produced from substrate but from aerial hyphae, stolons, or rhizoids —— P
M. A facultative, gall-forming parasite of other Mucorales in nature; zygospores with appendaged suspensors —— Parasitella
MM. Saprobic —— N
N. Sporangiophores of indefinite length, sympodially branched, lateral branches circinate, terminating in sporangia —— _Circinella
NN. Sporangiophores not of indefinite length, branching racemose or sympodial —— O
O. Sporangiophores often more narrow basally than apically; columella aplanate, conical, or hemisphaerical; spores globose, slightly roughened —— Hyphomucor
OO. Sporangiophore diameter the same throughout its length; columellae clavate, ellipsoid, or obpiriform; spores broadly ellipsoidal to globose, smooth-walled —— Circinomucor
P. Growing and sporulating near soil particles on initial soil plates, growth slow and sporulation poor except when another fungus present in the plate —— Siepmannia
PP. Growing well in axenic culture —- -Q
Q. A terminal sporangium is subtended by a whorl of smaller sporangia immediately below the first —— Actinomucor
QQ. Not as above, sporangiophore branching sympodial —— Rhizomucor (in part)
R. Stolons and rhizoids not produced; sporangiophores arising directly from the substrate —— S
RR. Stolons and rhizoids produced; sporangiophores not produced from substrate but from aerial hyphae, stolons, or rhizoids —— U
S. Sporangiophores sympodially branched ——- Protomycocladus
SS. Sporophores dichotomously or umbellately branched apically —— T
T. Fertile region branched dichotomously; sterile spines not produced; facultative mushroom parasite in nature —— Syzygites
TT. Fertile region umbellately branched, final branch dichotomous one terminating in a sterile spine and the other in a sporangium; facultative arthropod parasite in nature —— Sporodiniella
U. Sporangia relatively small, apophysis constricted immediately giving the appearance of a vesicle; columella not collapsing over the apex of the sporangiophore —— _Gongronella
UU. Sporangia large, apophysis not constricted below the sporangium; columella collaping over the apex of the sporangiophore apex —— V
V. Main sporangiophore terminaling in an umbel of sporangiophores bearing terminal sporangia —— Rhizopodopsis
VV. One or usually several sporangiophores arising above a rhzoid —— Rhizopus
X, Sporangiola both multi- and unispored —— Backusella
XX. Sporangiola multispored, rarely, if any, unispored —— Y
Y. Sporangia nonapophysate; sporangiola borne on relatively long twisted and contorted pedicels —— Kirkomyces
YY. Sporangia apophysate; sporangiola borne on circinate, simple or branched pedicels —— Z
Z. Subsporangial vesicle formed; pedicels formed randomly along the length of the sporangiophore —— Fennellomyces
ZZ. Subsporangial vesicle not produced; pedicels borne on variously shaped or branched fertile vesicles, producing one or more fertile heads —— Thamnostylum
Synopsis of Genera with Unknown Affinities
ACTINOMUCOR Schostakowitsch, 1898 (Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 16: 155); 2 spp. (Benjamin and Hesseltine, 1957 — illus.; Zycha et al., 1969 — ILLUS.; Jong and Yuan, 1985 — illus.; Khan et al., 2008 — mucormycosis).
= Glomerula Bainier, 1903 (Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 19: 154).
[AMYLOMYCES_Calmette, 1876 (Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris 68: 131), a synonym of _Rhizopus; see below (Mucorales)]
BACKUSELLA Hesseltine & Ellis, 1969 (In Ellis and Hesseltine, Mycologia 61: 863); 3 spp. (Ellis and Hesseltine, 1969 — illus.; Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.; Stalpers and Schipper, 1980 — illus.).
BENJAMINIELLA von Arx, 1981 (Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture, 3rd Ed., p. 60); 2 spp. (Benjamin, 1960 — ILLUS. as Cokeromyces poitrasii R. K. Benjamin; Benny and Benjamin, 1976 — ILLUS. as Mycotypha poitrasii (Benjamin) Benny & Benjamin; Brain and Young, 1979 — illus. as M. poitrasii; Cole and Samson, 1979 — illus. as M. poitrasii; Benny et al., 1985 — ILLUS. and key to spp.; Kirk, 1989 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.).
= Benjaminia Pidoplichko & Mil’ko, 1971 (Atlas of Mucoralean Fungi, p. 96) (see Benny and Benjamin, 1976).
CIRCINELLA van Tieghem & Le Monn., 1873 (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Sér. 5, 17: 298); 9 or 10 spp. (Hesseltine and Fennell, 1955 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.; Hesseltine and Ellis, 1961 — illus.; Faurel and Schotter, 1965 — illus.; Mil’ko, 1968 — added species of Pirella; Patil and Kale, 1981 — illus.; Naganishi, 1974; Arambarri and Cabello, 1996).
= Circinumbella van Tieghem & Le Monn., 1872 (Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 74: 999).
CIRCINOMUCOR v. Arx, 1983 (Sydowia 35: 17); 9 spp. (Schipper, 1976 — illus. as Mucor spp.; Von Arx, 1982 — key to spp.; Kirk et al., 2001 — a synonym of Mucor, 2008 — a synonym of Mucor; see also (
COKEROMYCES Shanor, 1950 (In Shanor, Poitras, and Benjamin, Mycologia 42: 272); 1 sp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1976 — ILLUS.; Jeffries and Young, 1983a — illus., 1983b — illus.).
DICHOTOMOCLADIUM Benny & R. K. Benjamin, 1975 (Aliso 8:338); 5 spp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.; 1993 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.).
ELLISOMYCES Benny & R. K. Benjamin, 1975 (Aliso 8: 330); 1 sp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS.).
FENNELLOMYCES Benny & R. K. Benjamin, 1975 (Aliso 8: 328); 4 spp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS.; Misra et al., 1979 — illus.; Mirza et al., 1979 — illus.).
GONGRONELLA Ribaldi, 1952 (Riv. Gen. Biol., N.S., 44:164); 2 spp. (Hesseltine and Ellis, 1961, 1964).
HESSELTINELLA Upadhyay, 1970 (Persoonia 6: 111); 1 sp. (Benny and Khan, 1988; Benny and Samson, 1989; Benny and Benjamin, 1991 — monograph and ILLUS.).
HYPHOMUCOR Schipper & Lunn, 1986 (In Schipper, Mycotaxon 27: 83); 1 sp. (Schipper, 1986 — illus.).
KIRKOMYCES Benny, 1995 (Mycologia 87:922); 1 sp. (The correct name for Kirkia Benny, a later homonym, Benny, 1995a) (Benny, 1995b — ILLUS.).)
= Kirkia Benny, 1995 (Mycologia 87:261); 1 sp. (Benny, 1995b — ILLUS.).
LENTAMYCES Kerst. Hoffm. & K. Voigt, 2009 (Plant Biology 10: 550); 2 spp. (Hoffmann and Voigt, 2009).
PARASITELLA Bainier, 1903 (Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 19: 153); 1 spp. (Schipper, 1978 — illus.).
PHASCOLOMYCES Boedijn, l959 (Sydowia 12: 349); 1 sp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1976 — ILLUS.; Jeffries and Young, 1978 — illus.).
PROTOMYCOCLADUS Schipper & Samson, 1994 (Mycotaxon 50:487); 1 sp. (Schipper and Samson, 1994 — illus.).
RHIZOMUCOR (Lucet & Cost.) Wehmer ex Vuill., 1931 (Les Champignons parasites et les mycoses de l’hommes, p.19); 5 spp. (Schipper, 1978 — illus.; Zheng and Chen, 1991, 1993 — key; Zheng and Jiang, 1995 — endophyte; Zheng et al., 2009 — ILLUS. and new sp.; Lu et al., 2009 — mucormycosis; Zhao et al., 2009 — mucormycosis).
= Mucor Micheli ex L.: Fr. sect. Rhizomucor Lucet & Cost., 1899 (Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci 129: 1033; fide Schipper, 1978).
= Mucor Micheli ex L.: Fr. subgen. Rhizomucor (Lucet & Cost.) Sacc. & Syd. 1902 (In Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 16: 385; fide Schipper, 1978).
= Rhizomucor (Lucet & Cost.) Wehmer, 1907 (In Lafar, Handb. Techn. Mykol. 4: 459; fide Schipper, 1978).
RHIZOPODOPSIS Boedijn, 1959 (Sydowia 12: 330); 1 sp. (Boedijn, 1958 — illus. [also illus. by O’Donnell, 1979]).
RHIZOPUS Ehrenberg, 1820 (Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. – Leop. – Carol. Nat. Cur. 10: 198); 4 to 10 spp. (Schipper, 1984 — ILLUS. and KEY TO TAXA; Schipper and Stalpers, 1984 — ILLUS. and KEY TO TAXA; Yuan and Jong, 1984 — illus.; Yuan et al., 1985 — illus.; Kirk, 1986 — proposal to conserve Rhizopus; Schipper and Samson, 1994; Weitzman et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2007).
= Ascophora Tode: Fr., 1832 [Syst. Mycol. 3(2): 309; fide Kirk, 1986), nom. sanct., Arts. 13.1(d) and 15.1 of the ICBN; McNeill et al., 2006 (see Korf, 1982, 1983) (Ascophora Tode, 1790 (Fungi Mecklenbergensis selecti 1: 13; fide Kirk, 1986).
= Amylomyces Calmette, 1892 (Ann. Inst. Pasteur 6: 611; fide Ellis et al., 1974); see also Ellis et al. (1976) and Kito et al. (2009).
SIEPMANNIA Nirenberg & Kwásna ex Nirenberg & Kwásna, 2008 (in Kwásna and Nirenberg, Polish Botanical Journal 53:188; see also Kwásna and Nirenberg, Mycologia 100:260, 2008) (Kwásna,and Nirenberg, 2008a, 2008b).
SPORODINIELLA Boedijn, 1958 (Ann. Mycol. 12:336); 1 sp. (Evans and Samson, 1977 — ILLUS.; Gbaja and Young, 1985 — illus.; Chien and Hwang, 1997).
SYZYGITES Ehrenberg, 1818 (Sylvae Mycol. Berol., p. 25); 1 sp. (Hesseltine, 1957; Benny and O’Donnell, 1978 — illus.; O’Donnell, 1979 — illus.; Ekpo and Young, 1979 — illus.; Kovaks and Sundberg, 1999).
THAMNOSTYLUM v. Arx & Upadhyay, 1970 (In von Arx, Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture, p. 247); 4 spp. (Upadhyay, 1973 — illus. and key to spp.; Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS. and KEY TO SPP.).
THERMOMUCOR Subrahamanyam, Mehrotra & Thirumalacher, 1977 (Georgia J. Sci. 35: 1); 1 sp. (Subrahamanyam et al., 1977 — illus.; Schipper, 1979 — ILLUS.).
ZYCHAEA Benny & R. K. Benjamin, 1975 (Aliso 8: 334); 1 sp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1975 — ILLUS.).
Genera Not Included in the “Synopsis of Genera with Unknown Affinities” but that Included in a Family That is recognized in this Website (
[Absidia — see Absidiaceae (Mucorales)].
[Apophysomyces — see Saksenaeaceae (Mucorales)].
[Blakeslea — see Choanephoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Chaetocladium — see Chaetocladiaceae (Mucorales)].
[Chlamydoabsidia — see Absidiaceae (Mucorales)].
[Choanephora — see Choanephoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Cunninghamella — see Cunninghamellaceae (Mucorales)].
[Dicanophora — see Dicanophoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Gilbertella — see Choanephoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Halteromyces — see Absidiaceae (Mucorales)].
[Helicostylum — see Mucoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Lichtheimia — see Lichtheimiaceae (Mucorales)].
[Mucor — see Mucoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Mycocladus — see Mycocladaceae (Mucorales)].
[Mycotypha — see Mycotyphaceae (Mucorales)].
[Phycomyces — see Phycomycetaceae (Mucorales)].
[Pilaira — see Mucoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Pilobolus — see Pilobolaceae (Mucorales)].
[Pirella — see Mucoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Poitrasia — see Choanephoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Radiomyces — see Radiomycetaceae (Mucorales)].
[Saksenaea — see Saksenaeaceae (Mucorales)].
[Spinellus — see Phycomycetaceae (Mucorales)].
[Syncephalastrum — see Syncephalastraceae (Mucorales)].
[Thamnidium — see Mucoraceae (Mucorales)].
[Umbelopsis — see Umbelopsisdaceae (Mucorales)].
[Utharomyces — see Pilobolaceae (Mucorales)].
[Zygorhynchus — see Dicanophoraceae (Mucorales)].
Ainsworth, G. C., F. K. Sparrow, and A. S. Sussman. (Eds.). 1973. The Fungi. Vol. IVA. Academic Press, New York. 621 p
Arambarri, A.M., and M.N. Cabello. 1996. Circinella lacrymispora sp. nov. A new mucoral isolated from Argentine soils. Mycotaxon 57: 145-149.
Benjamin, C. R., and C. W. Hesseltine. 1957. The genus Actinomucor. Mycologia 49: 240-249.
Benjamin, R.K. 1959. The merosporangiferous Mucorales. Aliso 4: 321-433.
Benjamin, R.K. 1960. Two new members of the Mucorales. Aliso 4:523-530.
Benjamin, R.K. 1979. Zygomycetes and their spores, pp. 573-616. In: B. Kendrick (Ed.). The whole fungus: the sexual-asexual synthesis. Vol. 2. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Benny, G.L. 1991. Gilbertellaceae, a new family of the Mucorales (Zygomycetes). Mycologia 83: 150-157.
Benny, G.L. 1995a. Kirkomyces, a new name for Kirkia Benny. Mycologia 87: 922.
Benny, G.L. 1995b. Observations on Thamnidiaceae. VII. Helicostylum and a new genus_Kirkia_. Mycologia 87: 253-264.
Benny, G.L., and R. K. Benjamin. 1975. Observations on Thamnidiaceae (Mucorales). New taxa, new combinations, and notes on selected species. Aliso 8: 301-351.
Benny, G.L., and R.K. Benjamin. 1976. Observations on Thamnidiaceae (Mucorales). II. Chaetocladium, Cokeromyces, Mycotypha, and Phascolomyces. Aliso 8: 391-424.
Benny, G.L., and R.K. Benjamin. 1991 [1992]. The Radiomycetaceae (Mycorales; Zygomycetes). III. A new species of Radiomyces, and cladistic analysis and taxonomy of the family; with a discussion of the evolutionary ordinal relationships in Zygomycotina. Mycologia 83: 713-735.
Benny, G.L., and R.K. Benjamin. 1993. Observations on Thamnidiaceae (Mucorales). VI. Two new species of Dichotomocladium and the zygospores of D. hesseltinei (Chaetocladiaceae). Mycologia 85: 660-671.
Benny, G.L., R.K. Benjamin, and P. M. Kirk. 1992. A reevaluation of Cunninghamellaceae (Mucorales). Sigmoideomycetaceae fam. nov. and Reticulocephalis gen. nov.; cladistic analysis and description of two new species. Mycologia 84: 615-641.
Benny, G.L., and S.R. Khan. 1988. The Radiomycetaceae (Mucorales; Zygomycetes). Calcium oxalate crystals on the sporangiolar wall and aerial hyphae. Scanning Microscopy 2(2):1199-1206.
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Updated Jun 13, 2010