Neozygites was formerly included in Entomophthoraceae but the formation of melanized spores and the nature or zygospore ontogeny prompted the formation of a new family for this genus and a new taxon, Thaxterosporium (Ben Ze’ev et al., 1987). Neozygitaceae was redefined by Humber (1989).
Neozygitaceae Ben-Ze’ev & Kenneth, 1987 (Mycotaxon 28: 321)[Ben-Ze’ev et al., 1987; Humber, 1989]
Obligate parasites of mites and Homoptera (Insects). Vegatative growth as hyphal bodies that may or may not have a cell wall. Conidiophores unbranched, cylindrical or somewhat clavate. Conidia unitunicate, 4 or 7-11 nucleate, discharged by papillar eversion, melanized; may form secondary capilloconidia. Zygospores bud from the point of conjugation of two hyphal bodies, melanized.
Type genus: Neozygites Witlaczil.
A. Number of nuclei per cell 4(5); secondary capilloconidia formed; conidial germination not through papilla —— Neozygites
AA. Number of nuclei per cell 7-11; capilloconidia not produced; conidial germination through papilla —— Thaxterosporium
Synopsis of Genera
NEOZYGITES Witlaczil, 1885 (Arch. Mikr. Anat. 24: 599) emend. Remaudière & Keller, 1980 (Mycotaxon 11: 331); 8 spp. (Thaxter, 1888—ILLUS. as Empusa lageniformis Thaxt.; Humber, 1981a; Ben-Ze’ev and Kenneth, 1982; Ben-Ze’ev, Kenneth, and Uziel, 1987; Keller, 1991, 1997).
= Empusa ( Triplosporium ) Thaxter, 1888 (Mem. Boston Acad. Nat. Hist. 4: 169; fide Remaudière and Keller, 1980).
= Triplosporium (Thaxt.) Batko, 1964 (Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Biol. 12: 324; fide Remaudière and Keller, 1980).
THAXTEROSPORIUM Ben-Ze’ev & Kenneth, 1987 (Mycotaxon 28: 323); 1 sp. (Ben-Ze’ev et al., 1987—illus as T. turbinata; Kenneth, 1977—illus. as Entomophthora turbinata)
Updated Jan 31, 2009