ZOOPAGE Drechsler, 1935 (Mycologia 27: 30), 10 species (Drechsler, 1935).
Predaceous on amoebae and, less commonly, rhizopods. Trap host by secretion of a sticky substance. Haustoria produced in the host, vegetative and reproductive hyphae produced externally. Propagules produced on relatively short sporangiophores. Merosporangia multispored, simple or branched. Spores fusiform, long-fusiform or falcate, wall smooth or rough; spore appendages not formed but one species with empty cells. Zygospores more or less globose, with a cupulate zygosporangium; suspensors hyphoid, more or less equal.
Type species: Z. phanera
Species of Zoopage:
Z. atractospora Drechsler, 1936 (Mycologia 28:381) (Drechsler, 1936; Jones, 1959, 1962).
Z. cladosperma Drechsler, 1936 (Mycologia 28:386) (Drechsler, 1936; Jones, 1962).
Z. mitospora Drechsler, 1938 (Mycologia 30:140) (Drechsler, 1938, 1959).
Z. nematospora Drechsler, 1936 (Mycologia 28:383) (Drechsler, 1936)
Z. pachyblasta Drechsler, 1947 (Mycologia 39:391) (Drechsler, 1947)
Z. phanera Drechsler, 1935 (Mycologia 27:30) (Drechsler, 1935)
Z. tetraspora Jones, 1962 (Transactions of the British Mycological Society 45:353) (Jones, 1962).
Z. thamnospira Drechsler, 1938 (Mycologia 30:142) (Drechsler, 1938; Duddington, 1951; Jones, 1959; Dayal and Srivastava, 1979).
Z. toechospora Drechsler, 1947 (Mycologia 39:402) (Drechsler, 1947; Jones, 1962).
Z. tryphera Drechsler, 1937 (Mycologia 29:242) (Drechsler, 1937; Dayal and Srivastava, 1979).
Z. virgispora Drechsler, 1947 (Mycologia 39:384) (Drechsler, 1947).
Zoopage is a haustorial parasite of amoebae and testaceous rhizopods that trap hosts by an adhesive. These fungi are characterized by the formation multispored merosporangia on relatively short sporangiophores. Zygospores have undifferentiated suspensors and they have cupulate ornamentation (Drechsler, 1935). Merosporangia can be simple or branched as in Z. tryphera (Drechsler, 1937). Merosporangia of Z. mitospora can be observed by scanning the culture with a microscope before application of a coverslip (Drechsler, 1938). A diagram of branched merosporangia as they appear in culture has been presented for Z. pachyblasta (Drechsler, 1947). Empty cell segments are produced in the spores of Z. toechospora, a characteristic unique to this species.
Dayal, R., and S.S. Srivastava. 1979. Three catenulate conidial Phycomycetes destructive to soil amoebae. Indian Phytopathology 32:409-412.
Drechsler, C. 1935. Some conidial Phycomycetes destructive to terricolous amoebae. Mycologia 27:6-40.
Drechsler, C. 1936. New conidial Phycomycetes destructive to terricolous amoebae. Mycologia 28:363-389.
Drechsler, C. 1937. New Zoopagaceae destructive to soil rhizopods. Mycologia 29:229-249.
Drechsler, C. 1938. New Zoopagaceae capturing and consuming soil amoebae. Mycologia 30:137-157.
Drechsler, C. 1947. Three new species of Zoöpage predaceous on terricolous rhizopods. Mycologia 39:379-408.
Drechsler, C. 1959. Several Zoopagaceae subsisting on a nematode and some terricolous amoebae. Mycologia 51:787-823.
Duddington, C.L. 1951. The ecology of predaceous fungi. I. Preliminary survey. Trans. BRit. Mycol. Soc. 34:322-331.
Jones, F.R. 1959. Some Zoopagales from Kenya. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 42:75-89.
Jones, F.R. 1962. New English Zoopagales. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 45:348-358.
Updated Nov 05, 2007