
THERMOMUCOR Subrahamanyam, B.S. Mehrotra & Thirumalacher, 1977 (Georgia J. Sci. 35:1); 1 sp. (Schipper, 1979—monograph).

Thermomucor sporangiophores are branched and they often arise from stolons and rhizoids. Sporangia are globose, apophysate, columellate, and multispored. Sporangiospores are subglobose and smooth-walled. Zygospores with a smooth zygosporangial wall, suspensors more or less equal, opposed, and formed in the aerial hyphae; homothallic. Thermophilic.

Type species: T. indicae-seudaticae

Species of Thermomucor:
T. indicae-sedaticae A. Subrahamanyam, B.S. Mehrotra & M.J. Thirumalacher, 1977 (Georgia J. Sci. 35:1).

Thermomucor also was known in the literature as Mucor indicae-seudaticae (Schipper et al., 1975). Later, this fungus was described as Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae (Subrahamanyam et al., 1977). Schipper (1979) studied T. indicae-seudaticae and determined the best method of inducing zygospore formation in culture. I have found that good zygospore formation can be induced on APDA [Potato dextrose agar (Difco) + 6 drops of 50% lactic acid per liter (based on Tuite, 1969)].


Schipper, M.A.A. 1979. Thermomucor (Mucorales). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek J. Serol. Microbiol. 45:275-280.

Schipper, M.A.A., R.A. Samson, and J.A. Stalpers. 1975. Zygospore ornamentation in the genera Mucor and Zygorhynchus. Persoonia 8:321-328.

Subrahamanyam, A., B.S. Mehrotra, and M.J. Thirumalacher. 1977. Thermomucor — a new genus of Mucorales. Georgia J. Sci. 35:1-4.

Tuite, J. 1969. Plant pathological methods. Fungi and bacteria. Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 239 p.

Updated Mar 12, 2005