THAMNOSTYLUM v. Arx & Upadhyay, 1970 (In von Arx, Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture, p. 247); 4 spp. (Benny and Benjamin, 1975—monograph)
Species of Thamnostylum form apophysate sporangia with deliquescent walls from the apex of the main sporangiophore or its branches. Persistent-walled sporangia are also apophystate and they are borne on curved to recurved, elongate pedicels. Zygospores have a rough, dark, ornamented zygosporangium, and opposed, more or less equal suspensors.
Type species: T. piriforme
Species of Thamnostylum:
T. lucknowense (Rai, Tewari & Mukerji) von Arx & Upadhyay, 1970 (in von Arx, The genera of fungi sporulating in pure culture, p. 247).
T. nigricans (van Tieghem) Benny & Benjamin, 1975 (Aliso 8:312.)
T. piriforme (Bainier) von Arx & Upadhyay, 1970 (in von Arx, The genera of fungi sporulating in pure culture, p. 247).
T. repens (van Tieghem) Upadhyay, 1973 (Mycologia 65:747).
Four species are recognized that can be isolated from dung (Benny and Benjamin 1975). Upadhyay (1973) tranferred Helicostylum repens to Thamnostylum.
Thamnostylum piriforme is one of the most commonly encountered members of the Mucoraceae; it probably can be collected worldwide. The other species of Thamnostylum have a more restricted distribution (Benny and Benjamin, 1975).
Benny, G.L., and R. K. Benjamin. 1975. Observations on Thamnidiaceae (Mucorales). New taxa, new combinations, and notes on selected species. Aliso 8:301-351.
Upadhyay, H.P. 1973. Helicostylum and Thamnostylum (Mucorales). Mycologia 65:733-751.
Updated Mar 12, 2005