
Numerous generic synonyms exist for Absidia sensu lato (Hesseltine and Ellis, 1964). Hoffmann et al. (2009) examined the Absidia synonyms, Pseudoabsidia Bainier (1903) and Lichtheimia Vuillemin (1903). Several thermotolerent Absidia species were examined by Hoffmann et al. (2007) including A. blakesleeana, A. corymbifera, A. hyalospora, and A. ramosa.

The current name for these thermotolent Absidia-like fungi is Lichtheimia (Hoffmann et al., 2009). Absidia corymbifera, a known causative agent of mucormycosis in humans, is the type species of Lichtheimia. The Lichtheimiaceae was described (Hoffmann et al. 2009) for these thermotolerant Absidia-like fungi.

Lichtheimiaceae Kerst. Hoffm., G. Walther & K. Voigt, 2009 (Mycol. Res. 113: 277)

Hyphae coenocytic, producing stolons and rhizoids, sporangiophores simple or branched, rarely uniseptate below the sporangium, arising from the stolons. Sporangia globose to obpiriform, apophystate, columellate, multispored. Giant cells may or may not be produced. Zygospores more or less globose, zygosporangia dark brown, smooth to more or less ornamented, may have an equatorial ring. Suspensors opposed, more or less equal, appendages lacking. Thermotolerant, growth optimum 37 C-42 C, maximum 55 C; rapidly growing at optimum temperature.

Type and only genus: Lichtheimia Vuill.

Synopsis of the Genus

LICHTHEIMIA Vuillemin, 1903 (Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 19: 126); 3 to 4 spp. [Hoffmann et al., 2007 (as Mycocladus), 2009)].


Bainier, G. 1903. Sur quelques espèces de Mucorinées nouvelles ou peu connes. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 19:153-172.

Hesseltine, C.W., and J. J. Ellis. 1964. The genus Absidia: Gongronella and cylindrical-spored species of Absidia. Mycologia 56: 568-601.

Hoffmann, K., S. Discher and K. Voigt. 2007. Revision of the genus Absidia (Mucorales, Zygomycetes) based on physiological, phylogenetic, and morphological characters; thermotolerant Absidia spp. form a coherent group, Mycocladiaceae fam. nov. Mycological Research 111: 1169-1183.

Hoffmann, K., G. Walther, and K. Voigt. 2009. Mycocladus vs. Lichtheimia: a correction (Lichtheimiaceae fam. nov., Mucorales, Mucoromycotina). Mycol. Res. 113: 277-278.

Vuillemin, P. 1903. Le genre Tieghemella et la série de Absidées. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 19:119-127.

Updated May 31, 2010