
HYPHOMUCOR Schipper & Lunn, 1986 (In Schipper, Mycotaxon 27:83); 1 sp. (Schipper, 1986).

Hyphomucor consists of aerial hyphae and sympodially branched sporangiophores. Sporangia are more or less globose and apophysate, and the wall is dry and powdery. Sporangiospores are more or less globose, rough in optical section, and the contents are granular. Zygospores are unknown (Schipper, 1986).

Type species: H. assamensis

Species of Hyphomucor:
H. assamensis (B.S. Mehrotra & B.R. Mehrotra) Schipper & Lunn, 1986 (in Schipper, Mycotaxon 27:83)

Hyphomucor (Schipper, 1986) is known only from isolates found in soil in India (B.S. Mehrotra and B.R. Mehrotra, 1969; B.S. Mehrotra et al., 1972 ) and Nepal (Mikawa, 1988).


Mehrotra, B.S., and B.R. Mehrotra. 1969. Two new species of Mucor from India – IV. Sydowia 23:183-185.

Mehrotra, B.S., S.N. Singh, and U. Baijal. 1972. The section Sphaerosporus of Mucor – a reassessment. Sydowia 26:41-62.

Mikawa, T. 1988. The Mucorales of Kathmandu, Nepal (1), pp. 77-114. In: M. Watanbe and S.B. Malla (Eds.). Cryptogams of the Himalayas. Vol. 1. National Science Museum, Tsukuba, Japan,

Schipper, M.A.A. 1986. Hyphomucor, a new genus in the Mucorales for Mucor assamensis. Mycotaxon 27:83-86.

Updated Mar 13, 2005