
Key to the Genera

A. Spore-bearing structure (sporocladium) 0- or 1-septate; spore-bearing surface more or less globoid to flask-shaped —— B

AA. Spore-bearing structure (sporocladium) 3- to many-septate, usually elongate and attenuated distally —— F

B. Pseudophialides not formed —— C

BB. Pseudophialides formed —— D

C. Sporocladia arising pleuogenously, relatively small, ovoid, bearing a small number of globose or subglobose sporangiola directly on a single ovoid, terminal enlargement —— Spiromyces

CC. Several sporocladia borne terminally on a fertile branch or branchlet, amphora-shaped, apically bearing several , naviculate to somewhat cylindrical sporangiola with one curved side —— Mycoëmilia

D. Each sporocladium produces a single pseudophialide —— Ramicandelaber

DD. Each sporocladium bears many pseudophialides —— E

E. Sporocladia cylindrical to flask-shaped, coenocytic or uniseptate, arising from a terminal vesicle; fertile region of the sporangiophore simple or sympodial; spores falcate —— Myconymphaea

EE. Sporocladia globose to broadly ellipsoid, arising terminally; fertile region of the sporangiophore geniculate, sympodial, or simple, spores more or less cylindrical to narrowly obpiriform or or dumbbell-shaped —— Linderina

F. Spores ellipsoidal, only slightly longer than broad; fertile region of sporophore tightly coiled; sporocladia form on the inside of the coil —— Spirodactylon

FF. Spores elongate, more than twice as long as broad; fertile region of sporophore not tightly coiled (may form a loose spiral) and if coiled then sporocladia arise from the outside of the coil —— G

G. Sporocladia arise in pairs along a fertile hypha that terminates in a sterile spine; sporangiospores with a distinctive corona —— Pinnaticoemansia

GG. Sporocladia not arising in pairs; sporangiospores lack a corona —— H

H. Sporocladia formed along the aerial hyphae but do not first form at the apex of the fertile hyphae —— Dipsacomyces

HH. Not as above —— I

I. Young sporocladia formed apically and as the sporangiophore tip grows the mature sporocladia are more or less regularly arranged along the side of the fertile hyphae —— J

II. Sporocladia arise from a vesicle at the apex of a fertile branch —— K

J. Sporangiola borne on the upper surface of the sporocladium —— Martensella

JJ. Sporangiola borne on the lower surface of the sporocladium —— Coemansia

K. Sporocladia formed verticellately and simultaneously —— Kickxella

KK. Sporocladia formed umbellately and successively —— Martensiomyces


COEMANSIA van Tiegh. & Le Monn., 1873 (Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Sér. 5, 17: 392); 18 or 19 spp. (van Tieghem and Le Monnier, 1873—illus. Linder, 1943—ILLUS. and key to spp.; Benjamin, 1958—ILLUS., 1959—ILLUS., 1966—ILLUS.; Kurihara et al., 2000—description and ILL., 2008—description and ILL.; Kwasna et al., 2002—new taxa).

DIPSACOMYCES R. K. Benjamin, 1961 (Aliso 5: 15); 1 sp. (Benjamin, 1961—ILLUS.).

KICKXELLA Coemans, 1862 (Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 1: 155); 1 sp. (Benjamin, 1958—ILLUS., 1966—illus.).
= Coronella Crouan & Crouan, 1867 (Flor. Finistéré 12; fide Benjamin, 1958).
= Coemansiella Saccardo, 1883 (Syll. Fung. 2: 815; fide Benjamin, 1958).

LINDERINA Raper & Fennell, 1952 (Amer. J. Bot. 39: 81); 2 spp. (Raper and Fennell, 1952—ILLUS.; Benjamin, 1959—ILLUS., 1966— illus.; Chang, 1967—illus.; Benny and Aldrich, 1975— illus.).

MARTENSELLA Coemans, 1863 (Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, Cl. Sci., Sér. 2, 15: 540); 2 spp. (Jackson and Dearden, 1948—ILLUS.; Benjamin, 1959—ILLUS.).

MARTENSIOMYCES Meyer, 1957 (Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 73: 189); 1 sp. (Benjamin, 1959—ILLUS.).

MYCOËMILIA Kurihara, Degawa & Tokumasu, 2004 (Mycol. Res. 108: 1143); 1 sp. (Kurihara et al., 2004—description and ILLUS.).

MYCONYMPHAEA Kurihara et al., 2001 (in Kurihara, Degawa, and Tokumasu, Mycological Research 105:1398); 1 sp. (Kurihara et al., 2001—description, ILLUS., and Key to Genera).

PINNATICOEMANSIA Kurihara & Y. Degawa, 2006 (Mycoscience 47:205), 1 sp. (Kurihara and Degawa, 2007—description and ILLUS.).

RAMICANDELABER Y. Ogawa et al., 2001 (in Ogawa, Hayashi, Degawa, and Yaguchi, Mycoscience 42:193); 2 spp. (Ogawa et al, 2001—description and ill.; Kurihara et al., 2004—description and ILLUS.).

SPIRODACTYLON R. K. Benjamin, 1959 (Aliso 4: 408); 1 sp. (Benjamin, 1959—ILLUS.).

SPIROMYCES R. K. Benjamin, 1963 (Aliso 5: 273); 2 sp. (Benjamin, 1963—ILLUS., 1966—illus.; Mikawa, 1975— illus.; O’Donnell et al. 1998—description and ILLUS.).

Updated Feb 09, 2009