
KICKXELLA Coemans, 1862 (Bull. Soc. Royale Bot. Belgique 1:155); 1 sp. (Bainier, 1906; Benjamin, 1958; Coemans, 1862; Linder, 1943; Young, 1968a, 1968b, 1974).
= Coronella nivea Crouan, 1867 (Florule de Finistère, p. 12: Tab. Suppl.; Torrey, 1921).
= Coemansiella alabastrina Saccardo, Syll. Fung. II: 815) (Beer, 1902).

Hyphae septate, sporangiophores simple or branched, with an apical vesicle bearing three-celled sporocladia verticellately. Pseudophialides borne on the upper surface of the inner two sporocladial cells. Sporangiospores fusiform. Zygospores more or less globose, borne on undifferentiated hyphae.

Type species: K. alabastrina

Species of Kickxella:
K. alabastrina Coemans, 1862 (Bull. Soc. Royale Bot. Belgique 1:153).

Sporulation of K. alabastrina occurs optimally on CMPY agar at 20 C. Zygospores are produced at 6-7 C. The mode of zygospore production is similar to that of Coemansia (Benjamin, 1958). Scanning EM photographs of K. alabastrina can be found in O’Donnell (1979).

Bainier, G. 1906. Mycologique de l’Ecole de Pharmacie. – VII. Dispira cornuta (van Tieghem) (1). [ Dispira americana (Thaxter)] (2). Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 22:213-215.

Beer, R. 1902. Coemansiella alabastrina. J. Bot. 40: 169-172.

Benjamin, R.K. 1958. Sexuality in the Kickxellaceae. Aliso 4:149-169.

Coemans, E. 1862. Spicilége mycologique. No. III. Notice sur un champignon nouveau: Kickxella alabastrina, Cms. Bull. Soc. Royale Bot. Belgique 1:155-159.

Linder, D.H. 1943. The genera Kickxella, Martensella and Coemansia. Farlowia 1:49-77.

O’Donnell, K.L. 1979. Zygomycetes in Culture. Palfrey Contributions in Botany No. 2. Department of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Torrey, G.S. 1921. Coronella nivea Crouan. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 37:88-93.

Young, T.W.K. 1968a. Electron microscopic study of the asexual structures in Kickxellaceae. New Phytologist 67:823-836.

Young, T.W.K. 1968b. Electron microscopic study of the asexual structures in Mucorales. Proc. Linn. Soc. London 179:1-9.

Young, T.W.K. 1974. Ultrastructure of the sporangiospore of Kickxella alabrastrina (Mucorales). Ann. Bot. 38:873-876.

Updated Feb 26, 2007