
MYCONYMPHAEA Y. Kurihara, Y. Degawa & S. Tokumasu, 2001 (Mycological Research 105: 1398); 1 sp. (Kurihara et al., 2001).

Sporangiophores septate, simple or branched, fertile region appears as a small vesicle at the apex. Sporocladia unicelled but sometimes two-celled structures are formed, amphora-shaped, several arising from the vesicle. Pseudophialides flasked-shaped, several formed on the apex of each sporocladium. Merosporangia unispored, long-fusiform, several arising from each pseudophialide; released in a droplet of fluid at maturity. Zygospores unknown.

Type species: M. yatsukahoi

Species of Myconymphaea:
M. yatsukahoi. Kurihara, Degawa & Tokumasu, 2001 (Mycological Research 105: 1400).

Myconymphaea was isolated from a dead soil insect, a dipluran that had originally been collected alive with soil. A second collection was made from insect frass collected near the type locality one year later. Isolation was successful only from the initial collection by transferring spores from a spore droplet to shrimp agar; the description was made of the fungus growing on one-half strength MEYE agar. The fungus has not been reported again.


Kurihara, Y., Y. Degawa, and S. Tokumasu. 2001. A new genus Myconymphaea (Kickxellales) with peculiar septal plugs. Mycol. Res. 105:1397-1402.

Updated Feb 26, 2007