LINDERINA K.B. Raper & Fennell, 1952 (American Journal of Botany 39:81) (Raper and Fennell, 1952)
Sporangiophores septate, simple or branched, fertile region more or less geniculate. Sporocladia produced at the apex of the sporangiophore and when mature arises from the side of the fertile region as the tip grows. Sporocladium unicelled, producing pseudophialides from the upper surface. Merosporangia unicelled, long obclavate, one produced from each pseudophialide; released in a droplet of fluid at maturity. Zygospores unknown.
Type species: L. pennispora
Species of Linderina:
L. macrospora Y. Chang, 1967 (Transactions of the British Mycological Society 50:312) (Chang, 1967; Chien, 1971; Young, 1968).
L. pennispora K.B. Raper & Fennell, 1952 (American Journal of Botany 39:83) (Raper and Fennell, 1952; Benjamin, 1959, 1966; Baijal, 1963; Young, 1968, 1970, 1971; Benny and Aldrich, 1975).
Both species of Linderina have been isolated from soil. The colonies of both species are yellow and they grow well on relatively nutrient-rich culture media. Linderina pennispora fills the Petri dish with aerial hyphae and sporocladia are produced from the upper portion of the sporangiophore. Linderina macrospora produces fewer sporocladia. Both species have been isolated at least one other time from soil in addition to the original isolation. Cole and Samson (1979) and O’Donnel (1979) both have published SEM photographs of Linderina spp.
Baijal, U. 1963. Linderina pennispora Raper & Fennell from India. Mycolpath. Mycol. Appl. 21:109-111.
Benjamin, R.K. 1959. The merosporangiferous Mucorales. Aliso 4:321-433.
Benjamin, R.K. 1966. The merosporangium. Mycologia 58:1-42.
Benny, G.L, and H.C. Aldrich. 1975. Ultrastructural observations on septal and merosporangial ontogeny in Linderina pennispora (Kickxellales; Zygomycetes). Can. J. Bot. 53:2325-2335.
Chang, Y. 1967. Linderina macrospora sp. nov. from Hong Kong. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 50:311-314.
Chien, C.-Y. 1971. Linderina macrospora from forest soil of the southeastern Unitied States. Mycologia 63:410-412.
Cole, G.T., and R.A. Samson. 1979. Patterns of Development in Conidial Fungi. Pitman Publishing Limited, London, United Kingdom.
O’Donnell, K.L. 1979. Zygomycetes in Culture. Palfrey Contributions in Botany No. 2. Department of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Raper, K.B, and D.I. Fennell. 1952. Two noteworthy fungi from Liberian soil. Amer. J. Bot. 39:79-86.
Young, T.W.K. 1968. Electron microscopic study of the asexual structures in Kickxellaceae. New Phytologist 67:823-836.
Young, T.W.K. 1970. Ultrastructure of the spore wall of Linderina. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 54:15-25.
Young, T.W.K. 1971. Ultrastructure of the wall of the germinating sporangiospore of Linderina pennispora (Mucorales). Ann. Bot. 35:183-191.
Updated Feb 26, 2007